Singing Guide: Kumbia Kings

Singing Guide: Kumbia Kings

Vocal technique, exercises, tips and relevant resources

Are you a beginner or advanced singer?

If you want to learn how to sing like the Kumbia Kings, you've come to the right place. The Kumbia Kings were a music group from Corpus Christi, Texas composed of members from the Mexican-American community. The group was known for their blend of cumbia and hip hop music, which they called "Kumbia".

One of the unique vocal techniques used by the Kumbia Kings is blending the two different types of music, cumbia and hip-hop. This gave them an exceptional sound which contributed significantly to their success. Some of their popular songs include "Boom Boom", "No Tengo Dinero", and "Shhh!"

If you aspire to sing like the Kumbia Kings, there are a few things you can do to help develop your voice. Firstly, it's important to practice your vocal range and accuracy. You can use Singing Carrots' tools like the vocal range test and pitch accuracy test to help you understand where your voice lies.

As far as singing techniques, try to incorporate hip-hop elements in your warm-up exercises. Singing Carrots' Pitch Training educational game has several practice exercises and tools that can help you warm up. This includes vocal agility exercises, visualizers of pitch, and warm-up exercises.

One important vocal technique the Kumbia Kings used was their ability to sing from their diaphragm. You can learn more about breathing techniques in these articles by Singing Carrots: Breathing basics and Breath support.

Other articles by Singing Carrots that can be helpful in developing your vocal abilities, which include posture, resonance, vocal break, articulation, and vibrato, are:

Singing Carrots' other helpful resources contain techniques to help you learn more about contemporary vocal techniques such as:

Through these resources, you can continue to learn songs from Kumbia Kings and incorporate it into your voice training. Remember, practice does not make perfect, but it does make improvement. Keep practicing and striving to develop your voice further, and who knows, maybe you will sound like the Kumbia Kings.

Learn more about this artist vocal range, voice type and repertoire.